Perdu et trouvé was a site-specific exhibition mounted in the James A. Gibson Library at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario in the Spring of 2009.

Perdu et trouvé was in one way a new direction of sorts.  Although the use of found objects is nothing new for me, working with objets trouvés as the main component in creating work (ie. no paper, no wood panels or surfaces etc.) was a fresh challenge.  Perdu et Trouvé contained work that was a response to the Library environment, the library as a vessel of knowledge, a small abstracted version of the real world.  Through the juxtaposition of found, manipulated and manufactured objects and substances it explored the notion of knowledge as a mutable thing, something very organic.  It was also a poetic view of the subjectivity of knowledge, and how our perception of it and the objects that often constitute it can be so slippery given the passage of time.  It was also very much about play, invention and a wistful sense of wonder.

The exhibition featured objects, some manipulated and some not, electronic components and charcoal powder assembled into two separate display cases.  Each display although separate forms one half of the some thread of inquiry.  One tableau was entitled Flux (Perdu) and the other Stillness (Trouvé).

These works were essentially still-lifes that indirectly (and at times directly) traced the passage of time, my own place in the universe, and “our” place in the natural world. Given my increased interest in how the exchange of knowledge and wisdom has shifted in the information age, and as the use of text and verse have also been part of my work I felt exhibiting in the site-specific context of a library would be a logical space to install these works.


Click on the video still below to view footage of this project.

Video still.


Installation views



East case views ~ Flux (Perdu)








Installation views ~ Stillness (Trouvé)


























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